Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Attract Women Affirmations

I am the prize.
I am genuine.
I am real.
I love meeting new people.
Everyone I surround myself with is happy.
I love myself.
I love my life.
When I meet girls I am genuinely interested in listening to them.
I love women, I appreciate women, and women know that and they love.
I am an attractive man. I am a sexy mother fucker. I have a sexy body. I walk talk, behave like a confident sexy man.
Women love me everywhere I go.
Women want to fuck me everywhere I go.
I know women are attracted to me.
I love myself.
It's ok to love myself.
I enjoy listening to what women have to say.
My affirmation works for me whether I believe them or not.
I know I am a sexy motherfucker.
I believe in myself.
I know I believe in myself, and women believe in me.
I know I attract women to me everyday.
I am sexually confident man.
I surround myself with happiness.
Talking to beautiful women is easy.
I am the prize.
It's a privilege for women to talk to me.
There are thousands of women out there who want to me me.
I am a sexy motherfucker.
Every where I go women want to fuck me.